
Dr. Ignace Debruyne works as an independent consultant specialized in food product technology (in particular soy and vegetable protein based products), nutrition & health communication and marketing, oils & fats processing andoxidation stability management, market and trade research, biodiesel and bioenergy products and market support.

Invited speaker at international conferences, workshops and short course programs. Active partner in Health Claims Europe with organisation of workshops on Nutrition & Health Claims, clinical research, labelling, communication and marketing (www.healthclaims.eu), Nutrients, Botanicals and Supplements (www.supplementclaims.eu), policy development Summits on Omega-3 (www.omega3summit.org), Pro- and Prebiotics (www.probiotics-summit.eu; www.prebiotics-summit.eu), and Gut Health (www.guthealthsummit.com),

Personalised Nutrition (www.personalisednutrition.eu), and Sustainable Foods (www.sustainablefoods.eu); organisation of Soy & Health and Soy & Strategic Marketing symposium, and publishing the Soy & Health e-Magazine (www.soyconference.com).

Active partner in Smart Short Courses with programs around the world on Aquaculture Feed, Snackfoods, Soyfoods, BioActives and Functional Beverages, Nutritional and Functional (Omega-3) Oils & Fats, Advanced Oil Processing,

Industrial Oil Applications, including Biodiesel, and Algae Technology and Applications (www.smartshortcourses.com).

Development of the Biodiesel Cost Optimizer software for the Biodiesel and Petrol industry.

Independent Expert for the European Commission FP 7 program and the Flemish IWT.

Member of AOCS (board member of the European Section), EuroFedLipid, SCI, and KVCV. IUPAC Fellow.

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