R&D Project Manager
FranceCCPA Group

R&D Project Manager in the R&D Department, Deltavit (Groupe CCPA*), France since 2000.

More than 20 years’ experience in Management of R&D project in nutrition and animal health

Major Research activity: Development of ingredients and plant extracts for animal applications, with supporting evidences that improves animal performances, health or increases product quality or food safety. Relationships between additives on nutrition requirements in poultry, swine or ruminants.

a) Coordination of innovated natural ingredients research program exploring nutrition, health and quality products relationships.

Main fields of interest are :
– Development of bio products, by products, ingredients (vegetal or marine extracts) for animal applications (poultry, swine or ruminant) – Ingredients stability during process. Nutrition requirements in poultry, swine or ruminants and their relationship with additives.

– Development of in vitro or in vivo models or tools to evaluate biological properties of bioactive (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial) on gastrointestinal microbiota and immunity system of animals.

b) Development of Mega® research program exploring quality of product -ingredient-nutrition relationships.

Publications: More than 60 papers in congress and symposium in France and abroad (articles in international journals peer-reviewed, posters and oral communications).

Administrative and collective tasks: Member of the COPSI (Policy Committee of Scientific and Industrial Prospection) and President of the Animal Nutrition and Health Commission of Valorial French Competitiveness Cluster since January 2011.

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