Current research strongly indicates that developing new approaches in animal microbiome could greatly improve the industry’s productivity, while ensuring that it meets its health and sustainability challenges. How much do we know about animal microbiome composition and what are the ongoing approaches? How can this knowledge be leveraged to identify the right nutritional supplements? How can supporting animal gut health leads to more sustainable farming?
- 4:00 PM
- 5:30 PM
- Valentin Nenov, Global Ruminant Manager, Phileo by Lesaffre
- Stafford Vigors, Assistant Professor, School of Agriculture & Food Science, University College Dublin
- Erik Eckhardt, Director, Research & Development, Adare Biome
- Emma Hernandez-Sanabria, Product Manager Animal Health and Performance, BaseClear
- Anirikh Chakrabarti, Senior Scientist Nutrition Science, Cargill
- Soumya Kanti Kar, Senior Scientist, Wageningen Livestock Research