2022 Conference programme

Steered by a prestigious committee, NutrEvent offers a comprehensive programme dealing with the latest market trends and R&D innovations in Food, Feed, Nutrition and Health.

Structured around 3 tracks, the conference sessions bring together international experts to discuss current innovation stakes and provoke conversations that matter for players in food supplements, finished food products, and feed.

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DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

Consumers are increasingly aware of the impact food has on their health, and their expectations in terms of benefits are on the rise. They understand that some healthy ingredients are also better for the planet, which also makes them more sensitive to naturalness and sustainability. This has a clear impact on consumer perception and expectations, forcing the ingredients industry to move towards more naturalness, by increasing scientific validation, reviewing regulations, and revising the sourcing of chemical ingredients to more natural.

How is the industry concretely adapting to the growing consumer demand for more health benefits and transparency in food production? How is the consumer perception driving R&D and product development? What is the real impact of ingredient labelling and health claims? What are the specificities in the way ingredients are perceived in different contexts of use?

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

Nutritional needs vary from one person to another, yet most food products and nutrition solutions are still mainly one-size-fits-all. Large food industry operators may find it challenging to overcome the limitations of mass production to offer a more customised and health-related approach. Further to this, personalised nutrition also requires a certain level of engagement from the consumer and taking a step further in the personalisation may require new business models.

How can the food system evolve to offer personalised nutrition to as many individuals as possible? What are the key segments driving personalised nutrition? What are the market opportunities for ingredient suppliers and food companies? How to create customised nutrient delivery systems?  To what extent can digital solutions participate in empowering consumers to personalise their nutrition?  How should the industry use the available data to provide a new consumer experience?

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TRACK 1: Latest trends in food supplement innovation

DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

Scientific and consumer interest in the role of the gut microbiome has increased significantly in recent years. With continued innovation in different types of dietary supplements and the recent surge in gut microbiome research and development, it is expected to see continued improvement and potential scientific breakthroughs. What are the latest sources of scientific evidence for microbiome related innovations?  What are the new ingredient combinations or formulations for pre/pro/postbiotics? What is the basis for their clinical validation?

Mobile applications and other digital technologies can enable nutrition companies to interact directly with their consumers. They can help tracking the use and benefits of supplements, as well as providing personal information and encouragement. To what extent do these developments impact the business models of dietary supplementation from product to service? How does it feed new data and ideas into R&D departments? More generally, how is the dietary supplement industry being digitised?

Ongoing developments in microbiome science are opening up new frontiers for probiotic and prebiotic research and producers. The ability to communicate about probiotics and prebiotics to key stakeholders is heavily influenced by the regulatory environment while European regulation has already rejected many health claims. How do innovative players handle the regulatory constraints and moving landscape? What are the opportunities to get the claims right and make them scientifically valid? What are the recent changes in regulation?

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased awareness by consumers of the importance of immune system health. Which role have food supplements have in their strategy to stay well? Does this interest persist? What are the most popular supplements and what the ingredient that consumers associate to immunity? How can supplements adapt to immunity support need at different life stages? What options do manufacturer have when formulating immune health supplements?

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TRACK 2: Nutrition and health innovation in finished food products

DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

Market position, choice of business model, distribution channels, health claims, novel food regulations…there’s so much to consider for founders in the food and health industry. How to strongly establish and leverage the relation between the food product and the health benefit? How to access the right consumers, investors, and potential partners?

While there may not be one only recipe for success, the panellists will share their main takeaways in building a go-to market strategy for innovative healthy food products.

More digestible, more nutrients, probiotics…Fermented food products have become quite popular in the recent years. What are the actual links and evidence between fermented foods, microbiome and how they affect our health? What are the nutritional labels requirements on fermented foods? To what extent can fermentation play a role in promoting a sustainable food production? What are the unexplored areas of fermentation in finished foods products?

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

How far will plant-based food products go? Although interest in plant-based alternatives is growing, these products remain a relatively small segment of the food and beverage industry. What are the most dynamic segments for plant-based foods? What could be the improvements to plant-based foods and new sources of innovation in protein alternatives? Who are the consumers of plant-based products and how do their nature and expectations contribute to building the food of the future?

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TRACK 3: Feed innovation insights

DAY 1 - Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

Current research strongly indicates that developing new approaches in animal microbiome could greatly improve the industry’s productivity, while ensuring that it meets its health and sustainability challenges. How much do we know about animal microbiome composition and what are the ongoing approaches? How can this knowledge be leveraged to identify the right nutritional supplements? How can supporting animal gut health leads to more sustainable farming?

DAY 2 - Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

As the consumption of meat and animal products increases with population growth, there is a need for feed management strategies that are more sustainable for animals and the environment. This includes a shift towards more sustainable proteins for animal feed. What new ingredients offer alternatives? What are the opportunities for diversification and substitution? What is the potential of by-products and nutritional improvement of crops?


Eline Delcroix

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